The Advantages of Hiring a Headway UK Caretaker

If you book our caretaker service, we will regularly monitor your property, this is normally on a monthly basis, but can be more frequently if required. Our caretaker will inspect your property and carry out minor repairs, such as fixing faulty taps, cutting grass, fixing doors, painting, cleaning drains, washing windows and checking smoke alarms. If there are any bigger issues, we will let you know what the problem is, and what solutions we can offer to fix it. This service means that you do not have to deal with multiple service providers, as we have a roster of highly skilled tradespeople that we work with on a regular basis. So if your property has a plumbing problem, we have a local professional who can fix it quickly, so that your tenants are not inconvenienced. If your properties are not visited regularly by you or your management team, our caretakers become your eyes and ears on the ground, highlighting potential issues before they arise.

Property caretakers are responsible for the upkeep of the inside and the outside of properties, and improving the condition of the building and grounds. They can work alone, or as part of a team, if you have multiple occupancy buildings. A property caretaker can also help with clearing out rubbish, caring for plants and will have a background in caring for and maintaining properties.